

last night I had my fifth attempt to setup the Web-Frontend of one of my
projects with Cocoon 2.2.

After successfully using C2.1 and below in project for about 8 years, I
wanted to make the step towards C2.2

After 16 hours I simply quit and went back to a standard Spring 2 +
JSF(Faclets) approach, since I wasn't able to get everything up and running
witch C2.2

As I mentioned, this was my fifth try and I am really thinking about giving
up Cocoon. What's the use of a framework you can't manage to use?.

In general I am very impressed about the work done in C2.2 and I would
really like using my stuff.


The basic Setup I use in my projects at the moment is: Cocoon + CForms +
JavaFlow + Hibernate . this was no problem at all under C2.1 under C2.2 it
seems to be very problematic.

I didn't even manage to get this setup to work. Not to mention the stuff I
use in the current Project (Groovy, JPA, Jasper Reports, . )


No where I could find a good documentary about the key principals of C2.2.
All I could find, was Step-For-Step command sequences or Videos, that don't
explain a thing.

Questions I had last night were:

-          What exactly does the Cocoon Maven plugin do?

-          Where does the WEB-INF code come from when running a block?

-          Why can I start a block whithout any of the WEB-INF + web.xml
stuff, but can't start a Web-Block which contains these files?

-          What is the Servlet-Service Framework stuff?

-          Why does It look as if Ajax and Forms are implemented as a

-          Which blocks do I need for a default Cocoon + CForms + JavaFlow +
JPA(Hibernate) Setup?

-          Which versions of Cocoon Blocks do I need, when working with a
clean checkout of the Cocoon trunk (Could see quite some incompatibilities
between C2.2 release and C2.2 trunk blocks)

-          Isn't there a big picture anywhere that can guide me to beginning
to understand the main principles of C2.2? 

-          In C2.1 I had to do quite some tuning of individual cocoon.xconf
elements? How do I find out which elements are configured and which options
I have and most of all . How do I configure them? I remember properly
setting up the Janitor to my individual needs solved most of my OutOfMemory
problems in C2.1.


I would gladly contribute in bugfixing and reporting issues, just I have
done this for quite some years now. I even have a cool C2.1 Flex-Serializer
working here and would gladly contribute it . but at the moment Cocoon 2.2
doesn't "let me in" and I don't think I will manage with this little
documentation available L


Please enlighten me so I don't abandon Cocoon . the project I was totally
obsessed with since some day 1998 (Cocoon 1.0.x) but am currently feeling
less and less fond of.




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