

Søren Krum wrote:

I try an upgrade of an web app from cocoon 2.1 to 2.2, and eger as i am, i want to get it all fine in small blocks.

Calling blocks works fine so far, but...As ever there is a special case where i want to pass some parameters to the called block:

i tried it as follows:

<map:generate type="servletService" src="servlet:central:/portal-login-service?redirect-url={url-encode:{request:requestURI}?{request:queryString}}" label="debug"> <map:parameter name="service" value="servlet:central:/portal-login-service?redirect-url={url-encode:{request:requestURI}?{request:queryString}}" />

and in the central sitemap:
<map:match pattern="portal-login-service">
<map:generate src="resource/internal/login.xml" />
 src="resource/internal/login.xsl" />
 <map:parameter name="resource" value="request-param:redirect-url" />
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
but it looks like the login.xsl never sees the resource...

Ideas? The transformer i used is xalan, request parameters and session parameters are true.

A quick method to log the parameters passed in to the transform process? Or even better, to the portal-login-service?

i found some niche infos in the log:

2009-04-17 13:48:34,938 btpool0-1 DEBUG components.ServletSource - Trying to create a servlet connection for location servlet:central:/portal-login-service?redirect-url=%2Fapplication%2FapplicationListEdit%3Fcocoon-view%3Ddebug

what looks like the parameter is passed...

Does i have to add the pattern from "portal-login-service" to something like "portal-login-service*" so the parameter does not get lost?

Best Regards

Andre H. Juffer              | Phone: +358-8-553 1161
Biocenter Oulu and           | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
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Triacle Biocomputing         | WWW:

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