
I just joined a company using Cocoon 2.1.11. Java 6 and Maven.
For them everything works fine, for me I get a ton of errors in Eclipse -
mostly conflicts concerning org.w3c. classes -

Imho these classes were implemented in Java 6, and did not exist before
Maybe the reason I get those conflicts but my colleagues do not is that
their system
has "grown" in time, they most probably have Java 4, 5 and 6 on their
system, and so on.

Instead of fiddling, I would like to probably and once and for all fix this
problem for everyone.
I am quite new to Cocoon, so I don't know a lot. I read that you have to
compile Cocoon yourself.
I tried it on my system, seems to have failed:
cocoon-2.1.11$ cocoon.sh

Processing repository: ./tools/jetty/lib
Adding jar: ./tools/jetty/lib/servlet-2.3.jar
Adding jar: ./tools/jetty/lib/jetty-4.2.23.jar
Processing repository: ./lib/endorsed
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/xml-apis-1.3.04.jar
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/jakarta-regexp-1.5.jar
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/jakarta-bcel-20040329.jar
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/xalan-2.7.1.jar
-------------------- Executing -----------------
Main Class: org.mortbay.jetty.Server
10:37:01.525 EVENT  Checking Resource aliases
10:37:01.739 EVENT  Starting Jetty/4.2.23
10:37:01.758 WARN!! Web application not found ./build/webapp
10:37:01.759 WARN!! Configuration error on ./build/webapp
java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./build/webapp
    at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.start(HttpServer.java:663)
    at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.main(Server.java:429)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at Loader.invokeMain(Unknown Source)
    at Loader.run(Unknown Source)
    at Loader.main(Unknown Source)

Does anyone already have a version for JDK 6, or maybe even a Maven pom file
at hand?

That would be most helpful, any help or comment appreciated.
P.s.: As I just joined the company, I would like to make them change as few
things as possible. I doubt it would be a good idea to suggest everyone to
change their entire system, especially as so far it works for them (but not
for me :-( )

Thanks in advance,


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