Dank u wel for looking into this. I look forward to whatever code
examples you can find.

Re: compressing at build time, please see my reply to Kamal.


On 9/9/2009 2:33 AM, Jeroen Reijn wrote:
> Hi Lars,
> I've been working with Wilfred on that project, but I'm not really sure
> if I was the guy that wrote the component, which he talks about. However
>  I have written something similar about 2 years ago.
> The way I implemented it was by creating a reader. This reader then
> reads the js van the filesystem and minifies it on the fly.
> However this is quite nice, but it would be better if you could compress
> it on build time. Next to that the yui compressor comes with it's own
> version if rhino, which might conflict with the one that comes with
> Cocoon. I'll try to find some code example.
> Regards,
> Jeroen
> Lars Huttar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Has anyone successfully configured Cocoon to do on-the-fly minification
>> of js and/or CSS?

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