Thank you very much, now my selection list works properly ;)

Tomek Piechowicz

2009/9/17 Robby Pelssers <>:
> I ran into a similar issue today.. my multivaluewidget is not properly
> styled. The template snippet is listed below.
>                              <ft:widget id="criteria">
>                                <fi:styling list-type="double-listbox">
> <fi:available-label>Available</fi:available-label>
> <fi:selected-label>Selected</fi:selected-label>
>                                </fi:styling>
>                              </ft:widget>
> Reading through
> it would seem
> that I only needed to include some other library xslt's and stuff would
> work.  So I tested it out and added a few more lines to my custom
> forms-samples-styling.xsl:
>  <xsl:include
> href="servlet:forms:/resource/internal/xsl/forms-page-styling.xsl"/>
>  <xsl:include
> href="servlet:forms:/resource/internal/xsl/forms-field-styling.xsl"/>
>  <xsl:include
> href="servlet:forms:/resource/internal/xsl/forms-advanced-field-styling.
> xsl"/>
>  <xsl:include
> href="servlet:forms:/resource/internal/xsl/forms-calendar-styling.xsl"/>
>  <xsl:include
> href="servlet:forms:/resource/internal/xsl/forms-htmlarea-styling.xsl"/>
> The effect was that now I did get a double listed selectbox but somehow
> it broke down existing functionality ;-(
> So I'm curious if anybody has tried this approach out as well and did
> everything work as expected?
> Thx in advance,
> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robby Pelssers []
> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Selection-list is rendered as a text input.
> The documentation
> states:
> "forms-calendar-styling.xsl: contains the styling of a field with type
> "date" and provides a visual calendar for easy selection of date. So the
> calendar is an advanced styling too, but because it has much specific
> stuff we separated it out of forms-advanced-styling.xsl."
> Hope this helps.
> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robby Pelssers []
> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Selection-list is rendered as a text input.
> <fd:field id="projectNote">
>  <fd:label>Ocena projektu: </fd:label>
>  <fd:datatype base="long">
>    <fd:selection-list>
>      <fd:item value="2"/>
>        <fd:item value="3"/>
>    </fd:selection-list>
>  </fd:datatype>
> </fd:field>
> Should be
> <fd:field id="projectNote">
>  <fd:label>Ocena projektu: </fd:label>
>  <fd:datatype base="long"/>
>  <fd:selection-list>
>    <fd:item value="2"/>
>    <fd:item value="3"/>
>  </fd:selection-list>
> </fd:field>
> For styling a field widget as date I'm not sure anymore how to do that.
> Cheers,
> Robby Pelssers
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tomasz Piechowicz []
> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Selection-list is rendered as a text input.
> Hi.
> I am trying to create form which is based on form example which i
> found on cocoon 2.2 home page. I have selection-list widget in my form
> model, and after I run project in browser selection-list is renderd as
> a normal text input instead of html select tag :(.
> My second question relates to date selection. Does cforms contains
> something like date-selection widget (ex. like in xforms) ? I set
> field datatype to date, but again in browser widget is rendered as a
> normal text input without any extra date widget in which user could
> select date instead of manually typing it into input.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Tomek Piechowicz
> Part of my form model :
> <fd:field id="projectNote">
>        <fd:label>Ocena projektu: </fd:label>
>        <fd:datatype base="long">
>        <fd:selection-list>
>             <fd:item value="2"/>
>             <fd:item value="3"/>
>        </fd:selection-list>
>        </fd:datatype>
> </fd:field>
> Part of my form template:
> <ft:widget id="projectNote">
>     <fi:styling list-type="radio"/>
> </ft:widget>
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