Hi all,

I know you can call static java methods from xslt and even construct new java 
objects.  But that happens NOT to match my use case.

Short description of my use case:

I have a datasheetbuilder bean defined in my applicationContext:

  <bean id="datasheetBuilder" 
class="com.nxp.spider2.application.DatasheetBuilderImpl" scope="request">
    <property name="spider" ref="spiderBean"/> 
    <property name="imageCache" ref="imageCache"/>      

What I would like to do is call methods on this bean from within transformers 
(xslt) in the pipelines processing the original request.  

Has anyone an idea if this would be possible somehow and if so can you point me 
to some documentation or explain how to accomplish this.

I can easily imagine this would be possible by writing a custom java 
transformer (not using xslt) which has access to the applicationContext but 
this involves quite a bit of work so...

Kind regards,
Robby Pelssers

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