Hi Robby,

your reasons are perfectly valid for a developer ! Yes, I want / need to have 
experience with Spring /  Maven in my resume, too !

But the dilemma of cocoon to it's success : Having a missing critical web app 
for millions of user running smoothly, you're not eager to make foundation 
changes without a good reason. An 'Spring is cool' isn't a reason you can sell 
to a management !

And the same with my OS projects : While being busy to implement some brand new 
specs I don't give a damn about the resource management in use. I can do the 
job with 2.1 !

As another guy already mentioned :

There is a substantial gap between developers and users !

The developers want to move on, the users want to habve it stable. But this 
mustn't be a big problem. Thanks again to all the brilliant developers that did 
a great job ! Yes, move on, focus for the next cool stuff. Now it's up to the 
users of Cocoon to support the maintainance for some years and we can all go on 
being happy ..

And a quite list mustn't be that bad : Maybe all the major bugs are solved ;-)




From: Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@ciber.com>
To: users@cocoon.apache.org; Andreas Kuehne <kue...@trustable.de>
Sent: Mon, April 19, 2010 10:12:14 AM
Subject: RE: Lowering in amount of users' posts?

Maybe the learning curve got a bit steeper for
Cocoon2.2 but I disagree that this is inherent to Cocoon itself.  Cocoon2.2 
still allows you to do use the
sitemap as before and building a complete webapp with
optional usage of
-          Flowscript/jxtemplate
-          Cocoon forms
-          Xslt
-          …
without ever having to write a single line of
It took me 1 week to completely make the
switch from Cocoon2.1.11 to Cocoon2.2. And building blocks and wiring them up  
(dependencies) in the servlet-context.xml is
really simple.
The switch to Maven is a generic tendency seen
in all open source projects, so not only Cocoon…. Who will tell when we all
switch to Craddle (and have to learn yet another
build tool and programming language Groovy).
And the switch from Avalon to Spring was also
a complete logical step… it has become the de facto standard for doing
dependency injection and it comes bundled with a lot of usefull integration 
classes for most frameworks (Castor, XStream,
Quartz, …) and AOP.   And for the ones
who still think the only decent JVM language is Java… think twice.   
If you ask me this discussion is more about
people resisting change in Software development in general because they have to
adapt (again) to new technologies.
Robby Pelssers
From:Andreas Kuehne [mailto:akue...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 3:40
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: Lowering in amount of
users' posts?

for me it's also true :
Didn't see any real need to got to 2.2. or beyond ! 2.1 does anything for me,
huge apps with heavy load as well as quick solutions. 

To the major problem of cocoon is : It's ready ! No burning needs for new
functionality, no major tasks on the todo list. Fiddeling with another base
framework ( spring instead of avalon ) or build tool ( maven vs. ant ) doesn't
make any user more happy.

I can do what I need any van even impress competitors with speed and
performance. Maintainance mode or not, I'm happy with it ! 



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