On 09/20/2010 11:38 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 9/20/2010 3:06 PM, Andre Juffer wrote:
The source of my problem is therefore clear.

I've checked Tomcat 7.0.2. Same issue, as expected.

With jetty 7.1.6, I'll get an exception:

2010-09-20 22:32:49.362:WARN::Failed startup of context webappcont...@55eb1db2@55eb1db2/eap,[file:/tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_eap.war__eap__hlptaf/webinf/, jar:f
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.apache.cocoon.Processor': Initialization of bean failed; nested e xception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Unable to initialize Avalon component with role org.apache.cocoon.Processor; nested exce ption is org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Cannot resolve context://sitemap.xmap

This is probably just a configuration issue as jetty 6 works fine with my application. So, I cannot confirm that jetty 7 actually parses a PUT request for making parameters available through getParameter(). Jetty 6 does not seem to do this either as I get exactly the same result as with Tomcat 6 and 7. But all of this could as well be caused by cocoon internals.

PUT and POST have somewhat different meanings to RESTful applications
and I intend to stick to that. On the tomcat list, it was indeed also
suggested to change a PUT request into a POST request using a Filter. I
prefer to keep things compatible with standards and specifications.
So, does that mean that you'd be more amenable to switching from PUT to
POST, or are you interested in getting PUT to work in one way or another?
Note that adding a Filter to make PUT work for you doesn't violate any
standards at all: it implements behavior your application requires. The
only thing you could say is that is does something /other/ than what the
servlet specification requires. Also note that parsing PUT bodies does
not violate the servlet spec: it's simply not required by it, and
therefore Tomcat doesn't implement it.

Based upon this thread and the others you've probably read, I've filed

an enhancement request against Tomcat:


Feel free to comment on this bug if you'd like.

I would not like to convert a PUT into a POST request. This would obscure the meaning of and differences between PUT and POST in context of RESTful applications. My opinion is that in the case of a PUT request, the servlet should simply pars the request and make the parameters available through the getParameters() family. As you said, this does not violate any specification. Therefore, I am in full support of this feature request (no sure whether you should call this a bug).

For now, I will assume a POST instead of a PUT request and decide inside equipmentHandler() what to do. This keeps maintenance of the code simple. I will make some modifications this evening to see how this is going. But if the request method is still GET, then this would not solve anything.
[The DefaultServlet has a] readonly parameter in web.xml to change this 
but indeed this would not have any impact since the request is handled
by my cocoon2.2-based servlet.
Exactly: DefaultServlet was written to implement PUT as specified in the
HTTP specification, and knows nothing about your REST stuff.

All Tomcat versions should behave this way, as the servlet specification
has been (relatively) consistent across the versions covered by Tomcat
Yes, I got to the same conclusion, again from the Tomcat list. That list
was in fact extremely helpful to understand what is going on.
Good. We try to be helpful :)

I use the sitemap that was generated during block creation with Maven,
as documented on the cocoon website.


The pipeline that handles the request is really extremely simple:

<map:match pattern="*">
   <map:call function="equipmentHandler">
     <map:parameter name="method" value="{request:method}" />
Hmm... I've never worked with functions as you have above, but I
definitely use the "request" matcher. Here's what I have in one of my
pipelines, and it definitely works when nested inside<map:transform>:

You don't have to. My function is communicating among other with a database to get things done. But in certain cases, one can also accomplish this with XSLT stylesheets. Javascript (or actually Flowscrip) is very convenient to handle client requests and making the right call to the domain layer.

  <map:parameter name="requestScheme" value="{request:scheme}" />
  <map:parameter name="requestServerName" value="{request:serverName}" />
  <map:parameter name="requestServerPort" value="{request:serverPort}" />

It's possible that whatever<map:call>  does isn't a real request and is
always modeled as a GET. Someone much more familiar with Cocoon will
have to comment on this.

Which version of cocoon are you using? Could you test the value of request:method for a PUT request (in fact for any other request than GET)?

The equipmentHandler() function is basically implemented as (stripped

function equipmentHandler()
     var request = cocoon.request;
Is cocoon.request how you get information from Cocoon? If you can get
the request from "cocoon.request", then why do you need the "method"
parameter to your function call? Why not just do "cocoon.request.method"
or "request.getMethod()"?

That's right. I actually do not need the map:parameter line of code, as I can directly access parameters with cocoon.request.getParameter("..."). Using map:parameter copies the value of request:method into cocoon.parameters.method, which I subsequently can access in equipmentHandler(). I just wanted to check the value of request:method in the sitemap to see if the call to equipmentHandler() was causing the problem of not having anymore the correct request method and parameters in that function.

Something doesn't seem right, here, though I'll admit that I know
absolutely nothing about how to use Javascript functions inside Cocoon.
Just make sure you are using the right syntax to get your function
parameter from the Cocoon pipeline, or that you are using the right
syntax to grab the request method from the request. It's also possible
that the implementation of<map:call>  does something that makes
everything look like GET, as I theorized above.

I think I can safely say that the request method is already incorrect before the call is made to equipmentHandler(). Thus, my conclusion is that there is a some bug or communication problem between cocoon and the actual request. That is, cocoon is possibly 'changing' the actual request, or creates a new requests, losing somewhere the actual request method value. This would very frustrating if this indeed would be the case, rendering the current version of cocoon virtually useless for use in RESTful web applications applications. I would not like to switch to official RESTful tools like RESTlet and so forth. They seem more complicated from my vantage point.

The code is pretty much standard and as far as I can see is not
interfering at all with the actual request. The only thing that is not
yet clear to me why the request method is always GET. I am wondering now
if Jetty or Tomcat are converting a PUT request simply into a GET request.
Tomcat certainly doesn't do such a thing, and I'd be surprised if Jetty
does it. But, Cocoon might be doing it.

Yeah, it did not seem logical to me either. As indicated above, more likely cocoon is somehow interfering with the request. I can clearly see from the log files of Tomcat 6 (7) and Jetty 6 that the servlets receive the request as a PUT request. Any alteration of the request is committed by cocoon, before the request reaches the sitemap. I will dig into the code, if possible, if this is really the case.

I wish that somebody of the cocoon community would comment on this thread and hopefully correct me in this matter.


- -chris
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