Hi Alec,

yes, that's my suggestion. Let the call be done by the CInclude transformer.

Regarding the User-Agent :
I had to dig into my own code and realized that I once built some slightly 
changed versions of CInclude and SourceUtil. The reason once was the need to 
make a completely dynamic SOAP call, so I had extend to the CInclude 

If someone's interested, I would share the code, of course !



----- original Nachricht --------

Betreff: Re: Support & Traxtransformers
Gesendet: So, 13. Feb 2011
Von: Alec Bickerton<alec.bicker...@net-m.ch>

> Hi Andreas,
> I know this is the wrong approach, I'd like nothing more than to throw 
> the whole mess away and start again. The situation is something that has 
> evolved over many years but I'm trying to make as much of it sane as 
> possible while not breaking the existing functionality.
> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/cinclude-transformer.html doesn't 
> explain how I'd set the User-Agent, does this happen automagically?
> As I stated previously, the url is generated dynamically inside xslt1 as 
> an xsl variable and the document call is made from the same xslt. the 
> result being copied as
> <dynamic><xsl:value-of select="document($url)" /></dynamic>
> If I understand what you're saying, I need to modify xslt1 to generate a 
> "<cinclude:include src="url"/>" instead, and then use cinclude to fill 
> in the blanks. Am I correct?
> Regards,
> Alec
> On 02/12/2011 05:57 PM, kue...@trustable.de wrote:
> > Hi Alec,
> >
> > the document() function is always a bad approach !
> > Try to use cocoon's own tools to aggregate the content. If it's a
> quasi-static content, use map:aggregate with two ore more map:parts. If you
> calculate the target of your call sdynamically, use the CInclude
> transformer.
> >
> > We used these approaches for a heavy-load productuon system and see very
> good performance of the syetem.
> >
> > Greetings
> >
> > Andreas
> >
> > ----- original Nachricht --------
> >
> > Betreff: Support&  Traxtransformers
> > Gesendet: Sa, 12. Feb 2011
> > Von: Alec Bickerton<alec.bicker...@net-m.ch>
> > Hi,
> > We're running a number of sites using cocoon 2.1.9 and have problem with
> > the TraxTransformer.
> >
> > We have some xslts that make use of document($url) to retrieve some data
> > from an external service. The problem is that some of these external
> > services require the useragent http-header to be propagated from the
> > original request, in order to provide a device specific result.
> >
> > Having googled for what seems like days. I think this is possible to do
> > with a URIResolver. Can anyone here suggest a way to do it ?
> >
> > e.g.
> >
> > request ->  generatorX ->  xslt1 ->  xslt2 ->  serialize
> >
> > xslt1 matches a DSL element and calls document(
> > http://someservice/getscaledImageURLForUseragent )
> >
> > The service is provided by a third party, and xslt1 cannot be changed.
> >
> > Any help is much appreciated.
> >
> > Regards
> > Alec
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