
now, I have a minimal pipeline : 

      <map:match pattern="sendmail">
        <map:generate src="xdocs/sendmail.xml"/>
        <map:transform type="sendmail"/>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>

and my file sendmail.xml (an exemple is on the page 
http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/blocks/mail/1.0/1099_1_1.html) :  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<document xmlns:email="http://apache.org/cocoon/transformation/sendmail";>

And with my navigator I open URL : http://localhost:8888/admin/sendmail 

but he returns : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 

<document xmlns:email="http://apache.org/cocoon/transformation/sendmail";>       


    <email:failure to="webmas...@polymorphisme.org">Invalid 



It's more funny, but I don't understand why I can't to receve my email, my 
email adress is valid ! 

Thank for you help.

Grégory Roche 

fixe : +33 (0)
port : +33 (0) Juffer <andre.juf...@oulu.fi> a écrit :

> One way to find out what is happening is to remove (comment out) the 
> <map:transform type="sendmail"/> and have a look at the generated XML 
> e.g. in your browser with:
> http://foo.bar.com/sendmail?name=roche&email=webmas...@polymorphisme.org
> There may be just a simple error in the generated XML that sendmail receives.
> On 09/05/11 11:27, Andy Stevens wrote:
>> What mail server host are you sending the mail through? Perhaps it's 
>> set up to prevent relaying and your message is being rejected 
>> because of the address(es) involved?
>> Andy
>> -- 
>> http://pseudoq.sourceforge.net/
>> On 9 May 2011 09:19, "Grégory Roche" <webmas...@polymorphisme.org 
>> <mailto:webmas...@polymorphisme.org>> wrote:
>>> So,
>>> I have change my pipeline ! I add the transformer for the emails :
>>> <map:match pattern="sendmail">
>>> <map:generate src="xdocs/sendmail.xml"/>
>>> <map:transform src="stylesheets/sendmail.xsl">
>>> <map:parameter name="name" value="{request-param:name}"/>
>>> <map:parameter name="email" value="{request-param:email}"/>
>>> <map:parameter name="id" value="{session:id}"/>
>>> </map:transform>
>>> <map:transform type="sendmail"/>
>>> <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>>> </map:match>
>>> That it's good :)
>>> But then I send an email, I have the reponce :
>>> <:result xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/transformation/sendmail";> 
>>> <:failure to="webmas...@polymorphisme.org 
>>> <mailto:webmas...@polymorphisme.org>">Invalid address</:failure> 
>>> </:result>
>>> And my adresse email webmas...@polymorphisme.org 
>>> <mailto:webmas...@polymorphisme.org> is valide.
>>> I don't know what is the problem ! Thanks.
>>> G R
>>> www.polymorphisme.com <http://www.polymorphisme.com>
>>> webmas...@polymorphisme.org <mailto:webmas...@polymorphisme.org>
>>> fixe : +33 (0)
>>> port : +33 (0) Stevens 
>>> <insomniacpeng...@googlemail.com 
>>> <mailto:insomniacpeng...@googlemail.com>> a écrit :
>>>> 2011/5/9 Grégory Roche <webmas...@polymorphisme.org 
>>>> <mailto:webmas...@polymorphisme.org>>:
>>>>> I'm trying send email with Cocoon 2.2.
>>>> ...
>>>>> and in my sitemap.xmap, I have my tramsformer sendmail :
>>>>> <map:transformer name="sendmail"
>>>>> src="org.apache.cocoon.mail.transformation.SendMailTransformer"/>
>>>>> and a pipeline for my test :
>>>>> <map:match pattern="sendmail">
>>>>> <map:generate src="xdocs/sendmail.xml"/>
>>>>> <map:transform src="stylesheets/sendmail.xsl">
>>>>> <map:parameter name="name"
>>>>> value="{request-param:name}"/>
>>>>> <map:parameter name="email" value="{request-param:email}"/>
>>>>> <map:parameter name="id" value="{session:id}"/>
>>>>> </map:transform>
>>>>> <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>>>>> </map:match>
>>>>> I'm sure that my params are good :)
>>>>> But then I send an email, I have nothing in my email box !!!
>>>> Maybe I'm missing something here, but you don't appear to have called
>>>> the sendmail transformer - the pipeline you quoted only has a
>>>> generator, xslt transformation and xml serialiser...?
>>>> Andy
>>>> --
>>>> http://pseudoq.sourceforge.net/
> -- 
> Andre H. Juffer              | Phone: +358-8-553 1161
> Biocenter Oulu and           | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
> Department of Biochemistry   | Email: andre.juf...@oulu.fi
> University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW: www.biochem.oulu.fi/Biocomputing/
> StrucBioCat                  | WWW: www.strucbiocat.oulu.fi
> Triacle Biocomputing         | WWW: www.triacle-bc.com

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