It not so unconventional. I am thinking about it since long ago, and decided to finally do it recently. Not so much progress at this time, but I was able to make some basic things running. Handling requests by Spring @Controllers and then running pipeline with default Spring ViewResolver. This works, but not with Cocoon Reloading ClassLoader - I have EntityManagerFactory configured in applicationContext.xml and Reloading ClassLoader recreates it on every request and subsequently closes the old instance which is used by Spring DispatcherServlet. I configured JRebel, and it serves reloading well in the less destructive way to spring context.

I was planning to get back to the Cocoon community when some code is ready to show to the public, so you are not alone trying to marry Cocoon and Spring MVC and hopefully soon I will be back with something useful (and I would like to also marry it with JPA and JAXB (with EclipseLink) and also Spring forms/validation to make the full stack).

PS. I am trying it with C3 and S3.

On 2011-07-18 19:10, Mark Diggory wrote:
Cocoon Community,

While, possibly unconventional, we are considering the the possibility
of marrying Cocoon and WebMVC in our project to use Cocoon as a View
technology while relying on WebMVC as our Controller/Model framework.
I would like to explore if anyone else out there has approached such a


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