Hi Paul,

Cocoon can't be compiled in 32 or 64 bit as such; it's java so is compiled to platform-independent java byte code. The byte code is run on a jvm, an architecture-specific application, and if you're using a jvm with a "just-in-time" compiler that translates the byte code (or parts of it) to native machine code to increase performance then that will end up running 32 or 64 bit instructions. But it's all at runtime, nothing you can do about when building Cocoon.

Judging by the error message, you're trying to open a path ("C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Files\Apache Software
Files\Apache Software
Foundation\apache-tomcat-7.0.22\webapps\array\webtask\cds\Test_request.xml")as a file, when obviously the string in 
question is a list of 3 semi-colonseparated filenames.  Unsurprisingly, it complains at this "The filename,directory 
name, or volume label syntax is incorrect" as I believe semicolonsaren't valid characters in windows filenames (and 
unlikely to be found evenif they were).  My guess would be an error in whatever bit of your code orsitemap is supplying the 
outputFile to the XMLFragmentBean, if you can sendthe relevant bit of code I may be able to be more 
specific.Regards,Andy--http://original.justgiving.com/AndyStevens-Bikeathon2011Raising money for Leukaemia Research----- 
Original Message -----From: "Paul Joseph" <pjos...@gmail.com>To: <users@cocoon.apache.org>Sent: 
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 4:38 PMSubject: Tomcat 64 bit> Hi there,>> I am using a Cocoon jar (Version 2.11) file 
compiled on a 32 bit XP in a64 bit Tomcat (Version: 7.0.22 ) and using Java 64 bit(jre
-6u24-windows-x64)>> It runs against a 32 bit Postgresql database (V8.4).>> It all seems to work well unless I call some special 
functionality in theflowscript that has to create a file on disk.  It then fails with the errorshown below:>> Question: do I need to 
recompile cocoon in 64 bit--is that the cause ofthis error?>> Paul>>>  java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Program Files\Apache 
SoftwareFoundation\apache-tomcat-7.0.22\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\Program Files\ApacheSoftware 
SoftwareFoundation\apache-tomcat-7.0.22\webapps\array\webtask\cds\Test_request.xml(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is 
incorrect)>      at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)>      at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)>      at 
java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)>      at java.io.FileWriter.<init>(Unknown Source)>      
Fragment(XMLFragmentBean.java:23)>>> The call at line 23 of XMLFragmentBean.generateFrament 
is:BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile));>>> 
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