Hi, Jagadeesh

We had this problem as well.

There are two different JXTemplateGenerator implementations, and I found that switching from using
this sitemap entry:
<map:generator label="content" logger="sitemap.generator.jx" name="jx" pool-max="${jx-generator.pool-max}" src="org.apache.cocoon.generation.JXTemplateGenerator"/>

to this:
<map:generator label="content" logger="sitemap.generator.jx" name="newjx" pool-max="16" src="org.apache.cocoon.template.JXTemplateGenerator">

for our jx pipelines made a difference.

I never found the real cause of the problem, but so far it seems that this has fixed it for us.


On 19/10/11 08:21, Jagadeesh Kumar Bhavanasi wrote:
Hi, This is Jagadeesh and am a developer of Cocoon.

We are still using cocoon2.1.10 with latest JDK 1.6

we have migrated JDK from 1.6.0_07 to 1.6.0_26. Now we are facing a problem with 1.6.0_26. with JDK 07, entire system was working perfectly.

Now with latest JDK(26), all the application is working fine for some time(for 1 /2 days) then the problem occurs. Problem is where ever i have used the <jx:foreach>, there it is iterating only for one time, then loop is getting ended. When i debugged, i observed that the size of the arraylist, that i am sending to cocoon contains more than one element and even the size in the .jx file is also more than one. but the loop is not getting iterated more than once.

We are suspecting the  problem is in ehcache, is my assumption correct?
Is there any solution for this problem?

Jagadeesh B


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