Hi community,

I'm very proud to have been nominated for Cocoon commitership. Thanks a lot to all who voted for me.

Let's introduce briefly myself: I am a 32 years old french guy, living and working near Toulouse (south west of France). I am married with Florence and have two daughters, Lisa, 3 years and Julia, 7 months and 2 teeth since last week :)

My long story with Cocoon began in 2002 as an intern of Sylvain Wallez, with pre-2.0 versions, on a time where sitemap was compiled and XSP were kings ! I was immediately impressed by the elegance of SAX based pipelines. I quickly learned to write custom components and to understand Cocoon internals. During the 7 next years, I have trained 100+ people from French administration and universities to Cocoon and developped dozens of Cocoon 2.0 and 2.1 based applications.

Since 2009, I am the co-founder and CTO of Anyware Services, a small company developping Ametys (http://www.ametys.org), an Open Source Web CMS written on top of Cocoon 2.1. Ametys is currently mainly used by French universities, and run almost 50 000 sites around the world. Despite that Cocoon 2.1 may be considered as obsolete by many people, I still consider it as the best existing framework for building publishing applications. It is VERY stable and reliable. I must admit that I never considered a migration to Cocoon 2.2 nor 3.0, because of the amount of work it would represent to migrate all the features I hacked directly deep in the Cocoon internals.
That's why I volunteered to help maintaining and releasing Cocoon 2.1

I hope to be able to contribute back to Cocoon community as much as it brought to me and my projects the last 10 years.

Best regards,
Cédric Damioli

Le 18/12/2011 23:53, Sylvain Wallez a écrit :
Hi all,

I am very happy to announce that the Cocoon PMC has voted Cédric Damioli and Robby Pelssers as new Cocoon committers, provided of course that they accept it.

Also, once you have your commit rights, you are welcome to join the Cocoon PMC whose member have binding votes for releases and other project matters.

Please read the instructions for committers and PMC members [1], first thing being to send a CLA if not already done, and suggest your preferred account name.

Welcome on board guys!


[1] http://apache.org/dev/#committers

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