
We've been Cocoon 2.1.* users for years. We're now trying to shift to the Cocoon 3 way of doing things.
I barely understand Maven, but I'm willing to learn.

I've installed Cocoon 3, and can run a sample.

But now I'm having trouble figuring out how to build my own "hello world" web application.

What I did so far:

|   svn checkout http:||//svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk c3|
     cd c3
|   mvn clean install
   cd cocoon-databases-sample
   mvn jetty:run

I can then access the running databases sample at
in the browser.

I've generated the four Maven 2 archetypes as instructed at http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/download.html
(sample, block, webapp, parent).
I don't understand, though, what each one is for.

For archetype-block, the instruction says "Create an empty Cocoon 3 block in order to create your own Cocoon 3 web application." But once I've done that, what do I do in the generated block in order to create a web application?

For archetype-webapp, it says "Create an empty Java web application project. After that add your Cocoon block as dependency." I guess Cocoon block refers to the previous thing I generated. How do I add it as a dependency? I guess I should edit cocoon-archetype-webapp/pom.xml and add this before </project>:

For archetype-parent, the instruction says "Create a parent module for your Cocoon project." Is a project the same as a web application? Does this mean I should edit the contents of <parent> in archetype-webapp/pom.xml to point correctly to archetype-parent? (The <parent> element is present already, but its groupId, artifactId, and relativePath are a bit off from what would match the parent archetype generated by the instructions.)

**The main thing I want to know, though,** is where do I start building a sitemap? In the working databases sample that I mentioned above, the only place I find a sitemap is under target/samples/COB-INF. But the generated archetype-webapp/ folder doesn't have a target subfolder structure. Is that something I generate using a maven command?

I look forward to using C3, and I feel like if I can get past this point, I'll be able to start cooking.


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