Hi Peter,

I would recommend moving to 2.12 first (and probably staying there).

IMHO 2.2 isn't worth the candle and 3.0 misses the point of using Cocoon in
the first place.

I have a similar set-up as you although I use a blocks based build so that
my 'applications' are seperate from the core.

I would be happy to help subject to negotiation :)

Best regards,


On Wed, 6 Jan 2016 at 11:34 Flynn, Peter <pfl...@ucc.ie> wrote:

> ...I think.
> I have an existing Cocoon service running 2.1.11 under Tomcat5 and
> Apache in CentOS5 on a very old server, and I now have a new server
> running CentOS6, Apache2, and Tomcat6 that I want to migrate to, but I
> am held up by my lack of understanding of what has been happening to
> Coocon, and I'm an XML person, not a Java person :-)
> The existing service is not an "application" in the normal sense: it's
> just a large collection of directories under /var/www/xml, each with its
> own sitemap.xmap, serving a lot of XML documents as HTML via XSLT. Many
> of the documents are in fact HTML, retrieved in real time from elsewhere
> in our site using Tidy in order to force xhtml or HTML5.  The cocoon.war
> is the stock 2.1.11 with no mods except the substitution of saxon9.jar
> so we can use XSLT2.
> I would like to be able to update all this to 2.2, and eventually to
> Cocoon 3.0, but the lack of a prebuilt .war file means I am at a loss as
> to how to do this. The existing service simply serves XML converted with
> XSLT2, nothing more: there are no requirements for authentication (it's
> all public), templates, forms, or FOP (we use XSLT2 and XeLaTeX for
> PDFs), and no "applications" as such. The stock 2.1.11 cocoon.war file
> undoubtedly includes vast amounts of stuff we never even go near using,
> but I have no idea what to exclude or include when it comes to building
> a new one in 2.2 or 3.0. The block examples in the 2.2 Tutorials
> *appear* to be vastly more complex than is needed for what we want to do
> (although this may just be my ignorance: in fact Cocoon 1.x always did
> everything we needed!).
> A further requirement is obviously robust and working versions of Ant or
> Maven, as in the past I have never been able to get either of these to
> work on the platform available (there have always been unresolvable
> dependencies for libraries simply unavailable). Has anyone ever
> implemented Cocoon 2.2 or 3 on CentOS6?
> I have a small budget for help with this, either for training or
> consultancy or both (preferably both so that I can learn). Or do I just
> pick up the current 2.1.11 cocoon.war file and drop it into the new
> system and leave it alone?
> ///Peter
> --
> Peter Flynn | Academic & Collaborative Technologies
> | University College Cork IT Services | ☎ +353 21 490 2609
> | ✉ pfl...@ucc.ie | 🌍 www.ucc.ie

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