
Thanks for the quick reply!

On 5/7/16 7:38 AM, warrell harries wrote:
> cocoon:// is understood as standard

Awesome. I was hoping it would be something simple like that.

> Use :/ to go relative to the root

I'm having trouble configuring it properly, though.

So, my original URL looks like this:

src="https://host/context/foo/bar/baz.html{$jsessionid}"; />

My sitemap is actually foo/sitemap.xmap, so it matches all the stuff in /foo

When I change the URL to this:

 <cinclude:include src="cocoon:///foo/bar/baz.html{$jsessionid}" />

I get this error:

java.lang.RuntimeException: The current URI
(/foo/bar/baz.html;jsessionid=97079C2DC1E19B20F2BEB8303AECF74E) doesn't
start with given prefix (foo)

If I remove the "extra" leading / :

 <cinclude:include src="cocoon://foo/bar/baz.html{$jsessionid}" />

I get this error:

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched
request: foo/bar/baz.html;jsessionid=97079C2DC1E19B20F2BEB8303AECF74E

If I use ./ like this:

 <cinclude:include src="cocoon://./foo/bar/baz.html{$jsessionid}" />

I get this error:

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched
request: ./foo/bar/baz.html;jsessionid=97079C2DC1E19B20F2BEB8303AECF74E

I'm veeeery close. Just have to fix the speling, evidently ;)


> On 7 May 2016 12:12, "Christopher Schultz" <ch...@christopherschultz.net
> <mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net>> wrote:
>     All,
>     I've got a Cocoon setup with a pipeline whose transformer contains
>     something like this:
>       <cinclude:include src="https://my-app/get-some-data"; />
>     Now, the URL included there is actually coming from Cocoon, and actually
>     I have a certificate that Java doesn't trust, so I get errors about PKI
>     certification paths. I can "easily" solve that (and have been for some
>     time, now) by specifying a truststore for the JVM process that contains
>     my server's TLS certificate in it.
>     I'd like to stop doing that for at least two reasons:
>     1. When my server certificate needs an update, I have to update my trust
>     store and bounce Cocoon
>     2. It could be more efficient (no loopback HTTP request, no TLS
>     handshake, etc.)
>     Does cinclude understand Cocoon-relative paths?
>     I'm looking for something like this:
>       <cinclude:include src="cocoon://get-some-data" />
>     Does something like that exist?
>     Thanks,
>     -chris
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