danial_thom wrote @ Mon, 29 May 2006 16:59:06 -0700 (PDT):
> Is anyone using DragonflyBSD in any serious
> production servers  yet? Any feelings about how
> it measures up in its current state
> performance-wise?

One of the ftp.fortunaty.net mirrors ran DragonFly for 2 years or so.
Latest uptime was 360 days before the server was phased out.
Testing showed it to be really good performace wise.
Matt's and especially Hsu's improvements of the network side showed.
My current setup is based on Xen and unfortunatly there is currently
no DragonFly-xen.

What hurt back then was the missing support for nullfs in a realease
and the ABI breakage(s). Package management was als a point.
I had pretty much worked out everything i could think of with ports.
Of course there was an investment made into the setup prior to it
being good. Pkgsrc seemed a step back for me and i had had to invest
again into my setup, so i choose not to.
Currently I'm working on packages made with a customized version
of pacman from archlinux (http://archlinux.org/). It seems much easier
to handle than pkgsrc.
See http://wiki.dragonflybsd.org/cgi/moin.cgi/Pacman_Packages for a
bit more about this approach.


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