--- Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> :And the whole fanless, diskless moving parts
> BS
> :is just so stupid I can't stand it. Its like a
> :bunch of college kids sitting around thinking
> of
> :things to complain about. The guy is using
> crap
> :hardware, stripped down os and has to put all
> the
> :design effort into shrinking everything down,
> and
> :for what? To avoid one failure every 2-3
> years?
> :Its just plain stupid, both fiscally and from
> an
> :engineering standpoint. The guy is still
> living
> :in the MFM, $2 fan days. I have 1000s of
> systems
> :in the field with like zero failures. Build
> the
> :system right and modern hardware doesn't fail
> :that easily.
>     Thousands, eh?  So, million's of dollars
> and thousands of unspecified
>     installed piece of equipment.  And, what is
> it EXACTLY that you do,
>     Danial?  Because you don't seem to know the
> most basic facts about field
>     installations and hardware longevity.
>     But I certainly do.  I have equipment that
> has been operating at a
>     major utility district at Lake Tahoe for 20
> years.  Not 1 year, not
>     2 years, not 5 years... *20* years, and I
> can tell you with some
>     assurance that Fanless and Diskless makes a
> *HUGE* difference in
>     hardware longevity and maintainance
> requirements.  Using a dedicated
>     micro operating system also makes a huge
> difference when you need to
>     measure uptime in years rather then months.
>  It is absolutely and most
>     definitively *NOT* BS.
>     In anycase, this is yet another ridiculous
> twisting of the facts.  You
>     seem to twist facts quite often to fit your
> view of reality.  Maybe
>     you should actually try *UNDERSTANDING*
> other people's viewpoints before
>     you insult them.

"know the basics"? How many network appliances
have you sold on modern hardware? You still think
the PCI-X bus is "new" for pete's sake.

I have about 2000 boxes in the field with
Celerons, P4s and Opterons with blowers and IDE
hard drives and guess how many of them have come
back in the last 2 years? Zippo. Its clowns like
you that convince other clowns that things that
might have mattered 10 years ago still matter.
Who out there are running fanless servers?
Nobody. How many of the guys that reported
dragonfly uptimes of a year are running on
fanless, diskless systems? None of them. The
entire concept is a joke conceived by guys who
live in a Lab like yourself.

Yes, millions of dollars. And the reason is that
you can't push 500K pps with a box without a fan
or a disk. You have to make too many trade offs,
and for no reason whatsoever. The features and
functionality you get by using a large disk drive
by far outweighs the negatives. The corporate
world is not a science project where you get
points for doing cool shit. Its about making
decisions that make sense. I can't remember the
last time I lost a sale because some buffoon
required no moving parts. Thats like so 1998.
People aren't that stupid.


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