On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 02:42:58PM +0200, Thomas Schlesinger wrote:
> Unfortunately, it seems not to support my Pentium-M 1.73GHz (Pentium M-740, 
> 533MHz FSB):

NetBSD has
/* Intel Pentium M processor 740 1.73 GHz */
static const struct fq_info pentium_m_n740[] = {
       { 1733, 1356 },
       { 1333, 1212 },
       { 1067, 1100 },
       {  800,  988 },

static const struct fqlist pentium_m_dothan[] = {
        ENTRY("1.73", 0x06d8, pentium_m_n740, 4),

Try to adopt it.


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