Justin C. Sherrill wrote:

On Tue, September 26, 2006 2:59 pm, Thomas Schlesinger wrote:

I there a way to disable the appearance of the boot0 menu completely?

'fdisk -B ad0'
or maybe
'boot0cfg -B -b /boot/mbr'
or maybe
If you have a Windows boot floppy, boot from that and type 'fdisk /mbr'.

I have not tried any of these recently, so it may mangle your entire drive...

Showing my age, roots, or something no longer in vogue....

Finding the binary and replacing it with the op-code for a 'noop', 'return' or 'jump' (to the next module) used to work wonders...

S'pose these days they are hash fingerprinted or such tho'...

And I've long since given up memorizing op codes...

'Too many architetcures, too little time.'


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