Just over a year ago, Carl Schmidt brought up an interesting question regarding lukemftpd:
http://leaf.dragonflybsd.org/mailarchive/users/2005-09/msg00111.html In it and in the response Carl basically asks what's the deal with having lukemftpd in base, and if people prefer lukemftpd to the standard ftpd then why not make lukemftpd the standard ftpd? And Matt Dillon responded with a "no": http://leaf.dragonflybsd.org/mailarchive/users/2005-09/msg00113.html Then Carl asks why not remove lukemftpd from the src tree: http://leaf.dragonflybsd.org/mailarchive/users/2005-09/msg00114.html and it appears he never receives a response. So, since Matt doesn't want lukemftpd as our ftpd and since lukemftpd (aka tnftpd) is available from pkgsrc, why don't we remove lukemftpd from our src tree? --Peter
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