On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 09:53:27AM +0100, Francois Tigeot wrote:
> I tried to build a native wip/jdk14.
> I used a one year old version of lang/sun-jdk14 as a bootstrap since
> recent version fail with an illegal system call error.
> The build failed after 2 hours with these error messages:
> Error: failed 
> /usr/obj/pkgsrc/wip/jdk14/work/control/build/bsd-i586/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so,
>  because Undefined symbol "JNI_CreateJavaVM"
> gmake[7]: *** [.compile.classlist] Error 6


The same issue is reproductible on DragonFly 1.6.2-RELEASE.

Does anyone remember when the last succesfull jdk build happened ?

Francois Tigeot

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