: On Sun, February 25, 2007 8:28 am, Ja'far Railton wrote:
: > Hi
: >
: > I was very interested in the above but it seems to have been
: > withdrawn from service.  Is this a temporary disruption 
: > or not?  Being on dialup it is not feasible for me to lurk 
: > live.
: It was coming from Andreas Hauser's IRC bot, which he has taken out of
: commission.  We're moving the wiki to sit on leaf, and a new logging
: bot
: would have to sit on leaf to reinstate that log there.  I have no
: experience in setting up something like that.  (It's Matt's call if he
: even wants to have an IRC bot on the system.)  If someone else could
: provide a running log, it'd be helpful.


I tried my hand at some python the other day and pieced together an IRC
logging bot.  I placed it within the channel last night, and it's keeping
the logs under:


In YYYY/MM/DD.html format

This is only my second python program, so it could probably use some work.
Some features I'd like to add are:

* Reconnect after disconnect
* Ability to fork into "server" mode so I can write startup/shutdown scripts

If any phython hackers on this list want to tutor me in the form of
examples, I'll be grateful.



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