On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 20:47:47 +0100

> I don't like pkgsrc because this limitations:
> 1. Many packages in pkgsrc are obsolete, and there are no development
> version of almost all packages (i wan't to see new version of dbmail,
> xorg and enlightenment 0.17 in packages system).

I am sure the pkgsrc developers will merge patches that update the necessary 
packages. Every time I had such a problem they updated the tree.

> 2. Many packages in pkgsrc are configured with '--without-threading'
> option, because not all systems which pkgsrc work on support
> threading. I want omit this limitation.

AFAIK this can be overriden (platform-specificly) in the makefile.

> 3. Binary upgrade packages with pkg_add -u is difficult. Eg. it is
> possible to upgrade only selected packages. Pacman can upgrade
> selected packages and also whole installed packages. I think we
> should have tool to binary upgrade base system also.

Well, I tried binary upgrades only once and it did not work for me, maybe I 
should try again. The binary upgrades are a must in my opinion for the 
installed packages and the base system.

Gergo Szakal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University Of Szeged, HU
Faculty Of General Medicine

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