Simon corecode Schubert wrote:
> However, there won't be any C++ in the list of things to do.  The only thing
> which uses C++ in DragonFly is groff, and I would be happier without this.

was just thinking about this issue - any thoughts about:

Seems to be mostly under CDDL[1]_, which might be 'yet another'
license to throw into the mix, but based on a quick scan (IANAL),
doesn't seem much different than the GNU/Groff combination, plus
it's more like 'real' **ix  ..

Probably not anyone's top priority .. and from what I understand
groff is a bit 'smarter' about processing pipelines, so this might break
various pkgsrc items that expect a groff, but in any case, would remove
C++ code from base. Plus there's grap(1)!

- Chris

.. [1]

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