I just went through the change, i telneted into port 25 and spamd welcomed
me, i went through the whole thing:

220 daria.webgate.net.au ESMTP spamd IP-based SPAM blocker; Thu Aug  9
22:19:40 2007
helo mx1.webgate.net.au
250 Hello, spam sender. Pleased to be wasting your time.
mail from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
250 You are about to try to deliver spam. Your time will be spent, for
rcpt to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
250 This is hurting you more than it is hurting me.
data: cau
354 Enter spam, end with "." on a line by itself
451 Temporary failure, please try again later.
Connection closed by foreign host.

then i went to check /var/db/spamd and its empty, and also the spamd pf
table was empty. Im wondering what could be wrong. I mounted the fdesc fs
into /dev/fd also.


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