Hello all -

fishing for similar experiences -

has anyone had any problems with ps2 mice getting 'stuck' under X?

just updated my 1.8 laptop to -HEAD before the Hammer work started
+ 2007Q3 Pkgsrc (modular-xorg-server-1.3.0) this seems to happen,
but only when using sysmouse or perhaps even sysmouse with radeon..

I tried several variations of acpi/noacpi/sysmouse/psm/radeon/vesa
and even reverted to the previous 1.24 psm.c, but it seems like
only using the direct /dev/psm0 will work 100% with this particular
combination since the upgrade.. or perhaps this is something in xorg
(was previously on monolithic 2007Q1 build)

In any case, since there's so many factors need to do more tests to zero
in on this for sure, but thought I'd ask..


- Chris

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