On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, dark0s Optik wrote:

> I have problem with packages download:
> pkg_add 
> http://www.theshell.com/pub/DragonFly/packages/DragonFly-1.12/stable/All/acroread7-7.0.9nb1.tgz
> ftp: Can-t connect to `2001:4830:2130::1`: No route to host
> ftp: Can-t connect to `2001:4830:2130::1`: No route to host
> ftp: Can-t connect to `2001:4830:2130::1`: No route to host
> What is the problem?

It is using IPv6 first. That is just a warning as in most environments it 
will fall back to IPv4.

Do you have a problem with pkg_add? Any other output? If not, then it was 
probably successful. See output from "pkg_info acroread" to check.

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