I really liked the new bar plain color :-)
The green-red plants were getting me blind, the light blue is a lot
more eye-friendly :-)
About logo, i belive the old one is cool to be placed same place it
were, but a 3d-mascot can work too adding a little backward
compatibility in the colors, the green circle can be used as a landing
spot in the 3d version and make a full logo conversion that way.
Anyway, I would use the 3d mascot further inside the navigation and
not in the index. Maybe in a "fanart" or "visual resources" section,
or use it as mascot for the "DragonFly with X" version.
About navigation I didnt found big changes, everything usefull goes to
the wiki and it has a raw wiki design, it will be cool to port the new
design to the wiki when done.

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Ernesto Bascon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just my humble comments:
> 1. Keep one logo that identifies your project, two different
> dragonflies in two different postures does not define the "official"
> logo project.
> 2. Actually I like DragonFly name over DragonFlyBSD name... what is
> the correct one? "DragonFly" (with no BSD) sounds more cool to me.
> Saludos,
> Ernesto
> On 29/05/2008, Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     Well, the site is your baby so if you feel it need to be changed
>>     definitely go and change it.
>>     Here are my own comments on the site:
>>     * I like the placement of the Download button.
>>     * I don't like the placement of the logo.  I believe it should go in
>>       the upper left hand corner contemporary with the 'D r a g on F l y B S
>> D'
>>       label.  It for sure should not go under the menu.
>>     * I don't like the color changes.  I really like the current site's
>>       color and wallpaper scheme.  But if you want to change the logo
>>       in the upper left hand corner, I'm OK with that.  I like both logos.
>>     * I do agree that our menus need to be reorganized but I don't like the
>>       new scheme (and the existing scheme has issues too).  It seems to me
>>       that the menus could be reorganized in the context of the existing
>>       scheme.
>>                                       -Matt
>>                                       Matthew Dillon
>>                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sdävtaker prays to Rikku goddess for a good treasure.

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