The code is attached and is DragonFlyBSD licensed.
I must add mirror button for choose mirror in pkg_add operation.
The code must have improving.
Can you tell me suggestions and other all things.
I hope that it can serve for spread DragonFly.


2008/11/11, Steve O'Hara-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 00:13:02 +0100
> "dark0s Optik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My code can't be included in DragonflyBSD directly, because it need
>> for Gtk+ 2, Glib and related library. What is pattern for copyright
>> me.
>       It's sounding to me like a good idea would be to commit it to
> pkgsrc-wip where it can be picked up by other pkgsrc users and tried on
> other pkgsrc platforms.
> --
> C:>WIN                                      |   Directable Mirror Arrays
> The computer obeys and wins.                | A better way to focus the sun
> You lose and Bill collects.                 |    licences available see
>                                             |

only the paranoid will survive

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