Siju George wrote:
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Simon 'corecode'
Schubert<> wrote:
Siju George wrote:
 h:  955801585   20971520    unused    #  466699.993MB
^^ this is flagged "unused".  change it to read HAMMER.  do that by running
disklabel -e

 h:  955801585   20971520    unused    #  466699.993MB
same here.

Initially when I put hammer there it didnt mount so I put unused there
so that it will mount.
I seem to miss /dev/ad4s1h and /dev/ad6s1h in my /dev.
Shouldn't i make them?

that's my point.  give the slices a proper type in disklabel, then they will 
appear (devfs).


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