On Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 02:12:24PM +0530, Saifi Khan wrote:
> Hi:
> Here are some git usage related newbie queries.
> 1. i read a notification about a new commit 
>    eg. pkgsrc commit 
> http://gitweb.dragonflybsd.org/pkgsrc.git/commit/4ceab3c0055ed6bdacff399294ff8ef253b99468
>    Since i maintain a local git repo for pkgsrc, i'd like to
>    know the diff between what i got and what's in the latest
>    commit.
>    What command do i run locally to see the diff ?

git diff 4ceab3c0055ed6bdacff399294ff8ef253b99468

This only works if you've updated your remotes though (git fetch or git
remote update)

> 2. i've pulled in latest commits using 'git pull'.
>    While working with local repository, i want to
>    know the diff between the last commit and the latest commit
>    for a given file eg. nrelease/Makefile.
>    what i tried doing was:
>    # cd /usr/src
>    # cd nrelease
>    # git diff HEAD^ HEAD ./Makefile
>    #
> This doesn't work. What is the correct approach here ?

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do, but I guess you're going

git log -p Makefile

> 3. after pulling in the changes related to Sascha's commit eg.
>    when i tried this command:
>    # git describe 5623ae32853fcfb747f493ea6af0059a56fb9b56
>    v2.5.1-200-g5623ae3
> This doesn't show up the details of the commit. What would be
> the appropriate command to use ?

git show 5623ae32853fcfb747f493ea6af0059a56fb9b56

> 4. i apply some patches to a given file
>    eg. Stathis' patch for mq*() syscall for MPSAFE
>    # cd /usr/src
>    # fetch http://leaf.dragonflybsd.org/~beket/mq-mpsafe.diff
>    # git apply mq-mpsafe.diff
>    Ideally i should have created a branch and then apply the
>    patch. However, i applied the patch to the master.
>    Some new files are created and some .bak files created.
>    When i 'git pull' next, there are issues.
>    What is a good practice to adopt here ?

Lots of options for this...I would create a new branch, commit the
change, then use git rebase to bring in any new changes.

>    Is there also something as 'unapply' a patch in git ?

git reset

> i've readup Pragmatic version control with Git and GitUsage
> documentation in the wiki. So, while i can get around with basic
> Git commands, i'm still facing issues.  
> i'd be grateful, if some of experienced folks on the project can
> share their nuggets of wisdom on this. Thanks for any help.

Try the manual pages or git help too.


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