On Sun, June 6, 2010 5:12 am, Jan Lentfer wrote:
> Jan Lentfer schrieb:
>> After another discussion I have decided to do the following:
>> I will only remove BIND from base, no ldns and drill import. So anyone
>> wanting to have either of the both will have to install them from pkgsrc
>>  (before updateing their world, I would recommend).
>> We will see until next release how we will proceed with this. I prefer
>> to just leave it this way and add pkgsrc-BIND to the Live-CD.
> Due to public demand I have now also committed ldns and drill.

Does this mean that we now have a live CD that contains BIND from pkgsrc
(and so has host, dig, nslookup, etc) _and_ the lnds/drill tools?  The
whole point of Jan's work was making it so we have less third-party code
to update in base, I thought.

My understanding is that nobody should be without the normal BIND tools -
they'll just be from the pkgsrc package.  It would come on the CD/DVD.  If
you happened to have an older (2.5 -> 2.7) system that was upgraded to
remove BIND, it's fixable with 'pkg_radd bind96', rather than needing
these additional tools.  Someone correct me if I'm not describing reality.

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