My laptop was up for about 56 days. This morning I compiled kernel and world, 
but did not install. I took the laptop to the office to work on a database 
and found when I got there that I could not log in at the kdm prompt. Caps 
lock, num lock, and scroll lock all work, as does ctrl-alt-del, but 
ctrl-alt-bs does not, nor does any letter or number key. The mouse works. I 
sshed in and turned off kdm; I got the same results at the keyboard. I cannot 
switch VCs with ctrl-alt-Fn. I just got home and the keyboard has the same 
problem. Any ideas? Should I try installing kernel and world?

.i toljundi do .ibabo mi'afra tu'a do
.ibabo damba do .ibabo do jinga
.icu'u la ma'atman.

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