
Did you wish something like attached perl script?
It is a quick and dirty hack for my needs (improved after sysctl was
mentioned here).


On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 5:04 PM, Sascha Wildner <> wrote:

> On 8/19/2010 14:54, Aggelos Economopoulos wrote:
>> Using this mechanism you can export other kinds of information as well
>> (disks have lots of attributes you want to know about) in a way that
>> will effortlessly work across many kernel versions. I don't think
>> manually running udevd in single user mode is such a big deal (you could
>> even autostart it. You're root in single user mode). The script is also
>> less robust wrt hotplug events that move disks around (this isn't
>> realistic with physical swapping of disks, but might be an issue with
>> network storage).
> Well, I thought we're talking about a simple utility to help the user find
> the corresponding /dev/serno/... for e.g. a /dev/da... node and not about
> some full fledged disk attribute dumping utility (which tuxillo's doesn't
> seem to be). If that is what's wanted here, we should use a different name
> at least (devattr(8) perhaps? any other ideas?) and view the serno
> information as a first feature with more to come.
> Sascha

Dennis Melentyev

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