On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 20:18:21 +0100
Jan Lentfer <jan.lent...@web.de> wrote:

> > See the present screenshot (the message is the same):
> > http://pp.blast.pl/www.png/dfbsd/df_13.png
> The second link isn't working. Did you try to set the TERM variable to
> another value as suggested, e.g. vt100?

1. corrected
2. set export TERM=vt100 both in .profile and .login (I hope I did it
rightly): the message remains the same.


Przemysław Pawełczyk (P2O2) [pron. Pshemislav Paveltchick]
http://pp.blast.pl, pp...@o2.pl

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