On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 10:54:26AM +0530, Siju George wrote:
> On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Francois Tigeot <ftig...@wolfpond.org> 
> wrote:
> Thanks  a lot Francois for the reply :-)

You're welcome.

> This error appears only some times.
> I refitted the cables of all hard disks once again and this error does
> not seem to occor for some time.

It may be purely a cable issue then. Do the cables feel somewhat loose in the
connectors ?
The first SATA cable were too easy to pull out; nowadays the plastic part of
the connectors has been modified and one really needs to apply some force to
pull out a cable.
Some modern cable models also use metal latches for additional security.

> What should I do to find out if the disk is working right?
> Is a
> # smartctl -t long /dev/ad8
> enough?

Time will time. Even though smart should give you a good indication on the
state of the disk, it is not 100% perfect.
In your place, I would start to become paranoid and do some backups.

> Also will this type of error affect the Integrity of hammer File System?

These errors meant some part of the disk could not be read. If you get them
in the wrong places, your hammer filesystem could well become unusable, yes.

> Should I do some thing to Check the integrity of the file system ?

It would be best.
Some hammer(8) commands seem to be usable for that purpose. I didn't see
a fsck equivalent in the man page, tho.

> I plan to upgrade to hammer v6 soon.

It's stable and doesn't even take 1 minute to do. No reason to delay here ;)

Francois Tigeot

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