On Thursday 03 November 2011 03:44:08 Max Herrgard wrote:
> I've played music with vlc, mplayer, mpg321, mpg123, xmms and audacious,
> most recently with mplayer. Some programs (I think at least mpg321) require
> you to install an audio library to work, like libao-*.
> Did you turn up the volume? The volume with my old Soundblaster Live! is
> always sky-high, but maybe not yours. Try mixer(8).

I tried installing those but got this error:

mplayer-share-1.0rc20100913nb3 is not available on the repository
proceed ? [y/N] n
pkgin: mplayer-share-1.0rc20100913nb3 is not available on the repository

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database for 
is up-to-date

On Thursday 03 November 2011 04:31:21 Matthias Rampke wrote:
> The BSD soundsystem is OSS compatible; so you want either something with
> OSS output or something that uses libao; IIRC you also need to install
> audio/libao-oss for those.
> A quick test to check if sound works is "cat < /dev/urandom > /dev/pcm0"
> (expected result: noise :))

I did that (with dd) when I loaded the modules and connected the other 
computer's speakers. But how do I test the microphone?

Don't buy a French car in Holland. It may be a citroen.

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