"You are holding it wrong"™  

This is not a question of mail client features and your particular favourite 
being superior to everything else.

The question is: what should be _the default_? Should a reply to a public 
question be public as well unless explicitly chosen not to be or should it be 
the other way round?

I do have a preference there which is of absolutely no consequence to the 
content of this rant.


Matthias Rampke
Sent with Sparrow (http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/?sig)
(because I can't stand clients that force me to press my mail into folders)

On Wednesday, 4. April 2012 at 22:50, Max Herrgard wrote:

> David Crosswell wrote:
> > On 05/04/12 03:54, McLone wrote:
> > > 2012/4/4 Andrey N. Oktyabrski<a...@bestmx.ru>:
> > > > P.S. To the mail list administrator: DragonFly mail lists have not the
> > > > Reply-To header. Is it possible to add it in the mail lists manager
> > > > settings? I forget to "Reply all" regularly and press "Reply" instead 
> > > > :-(
> > > >  
> > >  
> > > seconding
> > >  
> >  
> > Get a better client.
> > This was sent with the 'Reply List' feature in Ice-Dove.
> > This app. may not be available in DFly, but there must be others.
> >  
> mail/thunderbird (hit the reply list button) and mail/mutt (hit 'L')  
> have this feature and both run on dragonfly.
> cheers,
> max

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