Honestly Alexey, i think if you want to give the HAMMER filesystem a go, you 
would be better off to test it out on physical hardware than on a xen 
hypervisor or through a virtual machine.

 Unless the operating system is built purely for VM use like Solaris, you won't 
ever really see the OS running at its full potential. Even Windows which states 
there system can run in a VM with out a big decrease in performance, has 
massive performance drops when you actually run VM compared to running it on a 
physical system.

 You'll find most OS's will... As i said the only OS i have ever come across 
which actually has an increase in performance is Oracle Solaris 11/11g (through 
benchmarking). I am not advocating you try Solaris just because it is good in a 
VM. Far from it actually... i am simply making my point using it as the 
exception to the current rule.

 If i was to advocate any system it would be DragonflyBSD or NetBSD, but i 
would highly reccommend you run them on physical hardware. The HAMMER 
filesystem is quite amazing and wouldn't be surprised if some of the other 
BSD's (NetBSD & OpenBSD mainly) eventually adopt it when it becomes more mature.

----- Original Message -----
From: Alexey Zilber
Sent: 05/10/12 10:04 PM
To: users@crater.dragonflybsd.org
Subject: Xen/VM?

 Hi Everyone,

 Not sure if this is the right list to ask this in. But is there any work on a 
Xen host for Dragonfly? I would love to try it out on EC2, and HAMMER on EBS 
should be pretty sweet.


Martin Kelly

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