you may postpone fsck when using softupdates. It is clearly stated in softupdate documents you may find (McKusick was one of the authors).
that's what i do.

Then, you suffer a performance hit when fsck'ing in bg.
once again - read more carefully :)

I am NOT talking about background fsck which is implemented in FreeBSD and i turn this off.

I am talking about just not doing fsck of every filesystem after crash. And doing it within same day but when pause is not a problem.

This is legitimate method with UFS+softupdates.

as someone proposed doing tests with writing random disk blocks, i would rather write make a program that would flip random memory bit every few minutes.

If you're assuming that even the computer itself ain't reliable, how the hell

Assuming hardware never fails is certainly wrong

could any FS be trustworthy then ??? IMHO, that's nonsense.
No it isn't. Sorry if i wasn't clear enough to explain it.

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