Yes.   There are a couple of options:

1) When you create your Service object, the first parameter is the wsdl URL to use. If you point that to the wsdl (possibly the live "? wsdl" on the host you want), any proxies (getPort(..)/createPort(...)) stuff created from there will use the URL's in that wsdl.

2) After calling the getPort/createPort, you can override the address in it by doing:

With #2, memory footprint will be less and the startup is quicker as the wsdl can be cached. Only one wsdl is used and it's just the address that is overridden. However, you have to make sure that proxy is synchronized or only used on one thread or something as use of the RequestContext is not thread safe. (Although in 2.1/2.0.6, there is a way to make it thread safe at the expense of using more ThreadLocals internally)


On May 22, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Chris Dunphy wrote:


Is it possible to generate a java service using the CXF wsdl2java
(JAX-WS front end) in such a way that we can use the service with more
than one host?

Basically, I am working on a project where a centralized console
communicates via web services to a number of agents running on remote

On the console side I want to be able to use one set of wsdl generated
stub classes and just tell the ServiceImpl class which host to connect

Is this possible?


Chris Dunphy
Software Developer, Enterprise Software Development
Shaw Cablesystems G.P.  750-7417 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite 800 630 3rd Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4L4

try {
} catch (const failed_error& e) {
   try {

Daniel Kulp

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