
Most of us use the CXF JaxWsServiceFactoryBean, which does not require the
WSDL to be in classpath.  I don't know if there's a way to use the generated
JAX-WS-specified classes to the same effect.


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 5:23 AM, Abid Hussain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi again,
> first of all, thanks for the comments to my posting.
> Considering most people responded that in their eyes it's even easier
> building a client with CXF compared to Axis2 I'll take another try with
> CXF...
> Daniel Kulp schrieb:
>> - No wsdl-file needed after you generated the code using WSDL2Java.
>> You don't need to with CXF either.   Just invoke a different constructor
>> on the generated Service object and specify the endpoint URL you want to
>> hit.   In anycase, this is a JAX-WS specification thing.
> Which constructor do you mean? I use this one (the service's name is
> ModuleService):
> ModuleService port;
> ModuleServiceImplService serviceClient;
> org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client client;
> URL wsdl = getClass().getResource("/ModuleService.wsdl");
> service = new ModuleServiceImplService(wsdl, new QName(
>                                "http://service.modulverwaltung/";,
>                                        "ModuleServiceImplService"));
> port = service.getModuleServiceImplPort();
> client = ClientProxy.getClient(port);
> In this case, the WSDL-file has to be in the classpath...
> Regards,
> Abid
> --
> Abid Hussain
> Web: http://www.abid76.de

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