On Jun 5, 2008, at 5:09 PM, Manolescu, Radu (IT) wrote:

This was due to a firewall issue. By adding proxy information to the
wsdl2java command line, I was able to move on to more challenging error

java -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=myProxy.myCompany.com
-DproxyPort=myPort org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.WSDLToJava -d ..

Now I am battling "body part" errors such as:

In a port, operations must have unique operation signaure on the wire
for successful dispatch.
In port {http://www.myCo.com/wsdl/2007-06/abcd/efgh}HttpEndPoint,
"{http://www.myCo.com/wsdl/2007-06/abcd/efgh}Op1"; and
have the same request body block

I assume that we need to contact the web service provider and ask them
to modify the WSDL to have unique signatures for each operation.

Yea.   Most likely.

I've thought about loosening this a little bit, just haven't had time. Right now, we don't check the SOAPAction stuff when we spit out that error. In theory, if the soapactions are unique, we can dispatch on it instead of the element name in the body. The runtime already supports doing that, but the tooling doesn't take that into account as it strictly evaluates the rules from the WSI-BP compliance stuff. Doing so would require digging into the binding a bit though instead of just looking at the logical structures. Not a huge deal, but it would require a little bit of work.



Radu Manolescu
Morgan Stanley | Technology
2000 Westchester Ave, 1st Floor | Purchase, NY  10577
Phone: +1 914 225-5871
Mobile: +1 203 648-6964

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Kulp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 4:57 PM
To: users@cxf.apache.org
Cc: cxf-ea
Subject: Re: WSDLToJava Error | xmldsig-core-schema.xsd | Connection
timed out

If eclipse is having problems reading it, most likely we cannot
either.     I'm not exactly sure how you can get a connection timed
out error with a file URL.   That seams a bit strange.   Maybe a
permissions issue?   Is the file really readable?  (can you cat it?
load it in notepad?)


On Jun 5, 2008, at 11:14 AM, Manolescu, Radu (IT) wrote:

I am trying to generate client code from a WSDL file, and I am getting

the error below.
My WSDL references an XSD (authored by our counterpart) which
references the public file "oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-
secext-1.0.xsd", which references the public file "xmldsig-core-
I tried to use Eclipse to validate the WSDL and XSD files, and when
Eclipse complained that it could not read some XSD files, I downloaded

them locally and changed the "schemaLocation" references accordingly.

The last errors, which I cannot seem to be able to remove, are:
        * "oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" does not pass
validation. Eclipse complains about being unable to read
"xmldsig-core-schema.xsd", whether that file is referenced locally or
from the Internet
        * when using Ant to call wsdl2java to generate the client, I get
exception below. Which program is trying to connect, and where?
Is Ant trying to download files from the Internet while parsing
"xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"?. If so, how can I make it connect? Define a

proxy somewhere? Download the dependencies locally?


[java] WSDLToJava Error : java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to create
wsdl definition from : file:/U:/NonVerConPrj/MyProj/src/ide-bin/etc/

[java] Caused by : WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/
xs:schema/xsd:schema/xsd:schema): faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem
parsing 'file:/U:/NonVerConPrj/MyProj/src/ide-bin/etc/xmldsig-core-
schema.xsd'.: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

Public file references:

http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity- sec
ext-1.0.xsd , saved locally as

http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd, saved
locally as xmldsig-core-schema.xsd (attached)

http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd, saved locally as xml.xsd


Radu Manolescu
Morgan Stanley | Technology
2000 Westchester Ave, 1st Floor | Purchase, NY  10577
Phone: +1 914 225-5871
Mobile: +1 203 648-6964

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