Couple more points:

* A properly escaped semi-colon (%3B) is preserved by getPathInfo.  
* section 3.3 states that ";" delimits a
sequence of parameters in a path segment.  Whatever that means.  Not sure
why its dropped by getPathInfo().
* Specifying "/{id}" and @Path(value="/{id}", limited=false) allows me to
pass "/123/456" as a string, but that isn't the look I'm going for.

I'm in over my head.



Tim Morrow 2 wrote:
> I can easily invoke a resource passing in a single value, for example:
>    /products/123
> Is it possible to bind a url like this:
>    /products/123;456;789
> to a method signature?  Basically I'd like to return multiple products at
> once.
> I tried defining an @PathParam on an array parameter, but that didn't
> work.  I tried a @MatrixParam, but as far as I can tell that is for
> name=value pairs.
> Any help or example would be greatly appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Tim

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