
WebMethods does not support HTTP 1.1 and the chunked transfert. This fixed
the issue.

2008/7/16 Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Probably need to turn chunking off.   See:
> Dan
> On Jul 11, 2008, at 5:36 AM, nicolas de loof wrote:
>  I was a little wrong in my previous post, as I didn't read the tcpdump
>> fully
>> :
>> The TCP stream used by CXF to connect to webmethods service is :
>> First packet:
>> POST /soap/linkback HTTP/1.1
>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
>> Authorization: Basic T1BBTDpPUEFM
>> SOAPAction: "http://localhost:5555/soap/linkback";
>> Accept: *
>> Cache-Control: no-cache
>> Pragma: no-cache
>> User-Agent: Java/1.5.0_11
>> Host:
>> Connection: keep-alive
>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>> 2nd packet :
>> <soap:Envelope .... blah blah blah></soap:Envelope>
>> I then receive HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error
>> The test done using netcat send the same content in a single packet, and
>> this one makes webmethods happy.
>> What's wrong ????
>> 2008/7/11 nicolas de loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  Hello,
>>> My application connects to webMethod to invoke a SOAP web service. I'm
>>> using CXF as client.
>>> I got SOAP faults about NullPointers throwed on the webMethod size. Using
>>> tcpdump I discovered CXF is sending the HTTP Headers to the service :
>>> POST /soap/linkback HTTP/1.1
>>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
>>> Authorization: Basic T1BBTDpPUEFM
>>> SOAPAction: "http://localhost:5555/soap/linkback";
>>> Accept: *
>>> Cache-Control: no-cache
>>> Pragma: no-cache
>>> User-Agent: Java/1.5.0_11
>>> Host:
>>> Connection: keep-alive
>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> .. and them seems to wait for the service to accept the header before
>>> sending the message body.
>>> If I use netcat to call the service and send the message with the SOAP
>>> enveloppe in body, my service call works fine.
>>> Is there any way to force CXF client to send the full message at first
>>> time
>>> ?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nicolas.
> ---
> Daniel Kulp

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