In both cases, the easiest thing to do would probably to put an interceptor early in the FaultOut chain that pulls the Fault/ Exception out of the chain and replaces it with a SoapFault that you've built up with your needed codes and such.

In the second case, you could subclass our invoker (JAXWSMethodInvoker if using jaxws) and overwride the createFault method to do whatever you need.


On Jul 16, 2008, at 11:12 PM, David Castro wrote:

So my problem is twofold.  I need to be able to:

a) Catch all exceptions that CXF sends back to the client and replace
the exception with a custom exception.  Do I use an interceptor for
this? How do I basically return a Response object with custom XML and a
status code?

b) Have a standard way to throw exceptions from service methods and have
them serialized into a custom XML format.  Do I just need to try catch
everything from all my methods and build some XML or is there something more convenient? I know I can always use a spring interceptor fudge it
too...wondering if there is a CXF mechanism for doing this.

Thanks in advance.


Daniel Kulp

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