I am trying to make a CXF webservice package in maven.

But it seems SO darn difficult to get the right dependencies!

Either classes are missing or I get stupid collissions...

Anyone have tips what dependencies to declare to be able to deploy a CXF war
file on a fresh installed tomcat (5.5.27)?

Currently we have the following declared in a "webservices deps" POM project
(which we then depend on):


And with that I get the following error in tomcat:
[java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory]
Oddly enough, this class IS included in the war inside
WEB-INF\lib\jaxb-impl-2.1.3.jar ??

Anyone have ideas?

Also, anyone have recommendations regarding what dependencies to bundle
inside a war file?

It seems you either include almost nothing (depend on the container) or you
include all.
Naturally, the latter leads to bigger WAR files... but that should be offset
by simpler installs and easier to manage dependencies?

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