So the EndpointReferenceUtils.getSchema( serviceInfo ) approach is
only for @WebService classes and not @WebServiceProvider classes?


2009/2/19 Benson Margulies <>:
> CXF does not precisely have a 'copy' of the WSDL. It has a wsdl4j
> representation.
> On the 2.2 branch, there is an XmlSchemaCollection of the schemas. In
> earlier branches, it has a DOM copy of them.
> We could, I suppose, expose. I'm hoping that Dan will wade in at this point.
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:42 AM, Andrew Clegg <> wrote:
>> Followup...
>> So I've got this working by reading the WSDL myself in the provider
>> class's constructor:
>> // First read WSDL
>> ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
>> InputStream wsdlFile = loader.getResourceAsStream( WSDL_NAME );
>> Document wsdl = org.apache.cxf.helpers.DOMUtils.readXml( wsdlFile );
>> // Then get schema body from WSDL -- TODO tighten up query using namespaces
>> String schemaQuery =
>> "//*[local-name()='definitions']/*[local-name()='types']/*[local-name()='schema']";
>> XPathExpression schemaPath = xp.compile( schemaQuery );
>> Node schemaNode = ( Node ) schemaPath.evaluate( wsdl, XPathConstants.NODE );
>> // Then compile it and store it
>> String language = XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI;
>> SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance( language );
>> DOMSource ds = new DOMSource( schemaNode );
>> this.schema = sf.newSchema( ds );
>> This lets me easily validate messages in the invoke() method, for example:
>> schema.newValidator().validate( domRequest );
>> where domRequest is the DOMSource of the message payload.
>> However it still seems a little inelegant to read the WSDL myself when
>> CXF must have a copy.
>> I've found the getSchema() method of the EndpointReferenceUtils class
>> via an old thread on here, but that requires a ServiceInfo object --
>> is there any way to acquire one of these for a Provider service?
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew.
>> 2009/2/16 Andrew Clegg <>:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> From inside a Provider implementation, how can I obtain the schema of
>>> the service's request/response messages, short of reading the WSDL
>>> myself and extracting the schema from it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrew.
>>> --
>>> :: ::
>> --
>> :: ::

:: ::

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